Before applying to be employed, you must obtain a Social Security Card. A Social Security Card is required in order to begin employment. It is not available without proof of valid visa staus, proof of legal work authorization, and proof of an employment offer.
When you apply for a Social Security Card you must present the following items:
1. Your passport
2. Your I-94 card
3. Your I-20
4. Completed Application for Social Security Card
5. A letter from International Services confirming your eligibility to apply for a Social Security Card
6. Employment confirmation Letter. If you do not have a job or job offer, you cannot apply for a Social Security Number
If you have found a job on campus and do not have a Social Security Card, following these instructions:
1. Visit the International Services office and inform them that you have been offered an on-campus job and that you do not have a Social Security Card
2. International Services will give you an Employment Confirmation Form that you will give to your on-campus supervisor to complete
3. International Services will also give you a letter confirming your eligibility to apply for a Social Security Card
4. Once you have the two letters, take the letters, along with the other documents mentioned above and visit the Social Security Office in Montclair, New Jersey.